Sources of recommendations

Providing guidelines

Getinshape is a health and lifestyle app that provides guidelines and tips to help and navigate you toward a more healthy life. Although Getinshape contributes to your understand and knowledge of what exercise, nutrition and habits can do for you, it should not be used to diagnose, advice, in prevention or treatment of a disease or medical condition.

Getinshape is in no way a medical service/app. You should always consult a physician or healthcare professional for medical advice or treatments before making any medical decisions.


1. Dietary Guidelines for Americans - 2020-2025. (source)
2. Healthy diet. World Health Organization. 29 april 2020 (source)
3. Nordic Nutrition Recommendations. 2012 (source)
4. The Norwegian Dietary Guidelines (source)

Calorie Recommendations

Our calorie recommendations is based on the Harris Benedict-formula (source).
and a Norwegian report who give recommendations on how to help people lose weight (source)

Harris Benedict-formula
BMR calculation for men (metric)
BMR = 88.362 + ( 13.397 x weight in kg ) + ( 4.799 x height in cm ) - ( 5.677 x age in years )

BMR calculation for women (metric)
BMR = 447.593 + ( 9.247 x weight in kg ) + ( 3.098 x height in cm ) - (4.330 x age in years )

Exercising and physical activity

1. Recommendations for physical activity for adults and the elderly. Department of Health, Norway (source).
2. Physical Activity. World Health Organization. 26 nov 2020 (source).
3. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd editionm, 2018 (source).

Tracking habits

Water: Get the Facts: Data and Research on Water Consumption. CDC (source).
Vegetables: US. Department of agriculture - ChooseMyplate - Vegetables (source).
Healthy diet. World Health Organization. 29 april 2020 (source)

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